Dyslexia is a language-based learning disability where a student struggles with word reading despite adequate effort and instruction. Almost all cases are caused by poor phonological processing.
Dysgraphia broadly refers to trouble with writing skills, specifically legibility, word spacing, sizing, spelling, and expression.
Dyscalculia is a specific learning disability with an impairment in mathematics. It affects number sense, memorization of basic math facts, and accurate and fluent calculation.
I provide specialized academic instruction, using research-based methods and materials, that is designed to remediate deficits in the basic skill areas of reading, writing, and mathematics. I also support students who need assistance with executive functioning, including organization, planning and time management, study skills, and effective usage of learning strategies. Due to their learning challenges, my students typically fail to benefit from large group instruction, and over time, their academic achievement falls below their grade level. These same students can make academic gains and achieve at grade level when academic, non-academic, and socio-emotional factors are properly addressed.
My students range in age from those beginning their education in the early elementary grades through those starting college. Students are taught via programs that are individualized to meet their specific needs and maintain their interests. They learn specific strategies that are applied to carefully planned academic tasks. This process provides students with the skills needed to become active participants in the learning process by learning how to learn rather than simply what to learn.
I have a long track record of achieving success with students with complex learning profiles, including those with multiple disabilities and concomitant conditions.